Converter tools

A collection of tools that help you easily convert data.

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Converter tools

A collection of tools that help you easily convert data.

Base64 encoder

Encode any string input to Base64.

Base64 decoder

Decode Base64 input to back to string.

Base64 to Image

Decode Base64 input to an image.

Image to Base64

Transform an image input to a Base64 string.

URL encoder

Encode any string input to URL format.

URL decoder

Decode URL input to back to a normal string.

Color converter

Convert your color to multiple other formats.

Binary converter

Convert between binary, decimal, hexadecimal, and octal systems with our Binary Converter. Perform fast and accurate number conversions for coding, education, and IT tasks.

Hex converter

Convert text to hexadecimal and the other way for any string input.

Ascii converter

Convert text to ascii and the other way for any string input.

Decimal converter

Convert text to decimal and the other way for any string input.

Octal converter

Convert text to octal and the other way for any string input.

Morse converter

Convert text to morse and the other way for any string input.

Number to words converter

Convert a number to written, spelled out words.


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15 Checker tools
18 Text tools
14 Converter tools
27 Generator tools
11 Developer tools
33 Image manipulation tools
10 Unit converter tools
44 Time converter tools
102 Data converter tools
47 Misc tools
API access
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15 Checker tools
18 Text tools
14 Converter tools
27 Generator tools
11 Developer tools
33 Image manipulation tools
10 Unit converter tools
46 Time converter tools
136 Data converter tools
47 Misc tools
API access
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